Mẹo trị mụn

Mẹo trị mụn luôn cập nhập những thông tin mới nhất về các vấn đề liên quan đến mụn. Giúp bạn có được những cách trị mụn tại nhà hiệu quả – an toàn – tiết kiệm từ những chuyên gia nghiên cứu về da liễu. Hãy đồng hành cùng mẹo trị mụn để có những thông tin

The most effective acne treatment mask from nature

Acne vulgaris not only annoys you, it also causes you to lose confidence in people. So see the mask acne effective after offline!


Acne vulgaris causes redness and makes us feel painful. If left untreated, the skin may be inflamed, leading to deepening or scarring later on. So we need effective acne treatment. Below are 3 types of effective and safe acne mask for women.

1. Banana mask + honey trị thâm mụn


Bananas and honey combine to form an effective acne mask for your skin. Banana and honey masks help reduce acne, swelling, inflammation, and acne acne. Besides, this mask also helps acne skin regenerate new skin. They also help our skin smooth and white.



- Make 1/2 banana ripen
- Add 1 teaspoon pure honey
Then mix the mixture and apply to the face, keep for 15-20 minutes
- Rinse with cool water

Note: You should wash your face with lukewarm water before applying masks so that the pores expand, absorbing better nutrients.

2. Lemon mask + honey


With acid in lemon helps acne skin inflammation. Honey also helps to regenerate skin very quickly, along with reducing swelling. Lemon masks and honey also help to reduce acne acne skin.


- Squeeze half a lemon.
- Mix well with 1 tablespoon of honey
Wash your face with warm water then apply cotton to the area covered with acne
Wash your face clean with cool water afterwards

Avoid rubbing your face with rough towels, the skin will be vulnerable.

3. Aloe mask


Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is one of the most popular natural beauty ingredients. Aloe vera contains many ingredients that are good for our health. Besides, they also have great uses in beauty.

Aloe vera contains vitamin C, E, folic acid, ... and antibacterial properties, so it is good to treat acne vulgar skin.


- We cut a small part of aloe vera
- Then cover skin acne pear
Should wash your face with cool water afterwards
Can be combined with aloe vera to purify, cool the body from the inside!

In short, the bumps are not too difficult to cure, but there are ways to be effective. The above is one of the effective and simple acne mask. You need to persist in the implementation and combined with reasonable living conditions as well as choosing the right skin care products for you!

Acne treatment tips that with effective acne treatment at home will help you clear up and repel acne. If you have acne for a long time and acne difficult to treat. In addition, acne from nature must apply acne treatment for a long time to be effective and acne is very likely to recur. So acne treatment is quicker and safer. You should choose acne cream that is suitable for you or acne treatment such as benzoyl peroxide, retinol, sulfur, tea tree oil, BHA, LHA . Acne is the "savior" of your skin, helps reduce inflammation caused by acne, treat acne root and prevent acne return to the most effective.

Wish you beauty success!