Mẹo trị mụn

Mẹo trị mụn luôn cập nhập những thông tin mới nhất về các vấn đề liên quan đến mụn. Giúp bạn có được những cách trị mụn tại nhà hiệu quả – an toàn – tiết kiệm từ những chuyên gia nghiên cứu về da liễu. Hãy đồng hành cùng mẹo trị mụn để có những thông tin

Experience acne and blemish effectively in 2 weeks

Turn your eyelid with acne treatment acne and bruised effect that Thao successfully applied after 2-3 weeks. Very simple and natural, the sister to refer to offline!


Kinh nghiệm điều trị mụn và vết thâm hiệu quả trong 2 tuần

 1. How to take care of everyday skin


When not applying make up, Thao rarely use cleanser wash only with morning water or wake up before bed. Thao only use cleanser when makeup was removed. In addition, Thao also wash 3-4 times with clean water during the day when sweating too much or when out.

Thao often uses pure honey to apply on the face daily or daily: this method will make the skin more soft and antiseptic to the skin, which can prevent the formation of acne soon.
2. Skin care when the rash


Thao often apply skin care as on a daily basis. In addition, Thao also use fresh cut slices to cover the face and leave for about 60 minutes, then rinse with clean water. But with this effective acne treatment Thao often done before going to bed because turmeric can make the skin yellowish after covering the face.

Note: Sisters can use fresh milk without sugar to wash if the skin is yellow due to turmeric.

Wash your face with aloe vera 1-2 times a day:

Cut a slice of aloe vera (remember to remove the skin as it can irritate your skin) and apply gently on the face for 2 - 3 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Maybe the first time you dab on your skin, you will feel a little itchy (with Thao) but from the next time you will not feel this again. Alzheimer's are benign and have the effect of scarring acne left behind or help smooth skin, so you can use daily or day.

Treats with aloe vera should like this way, because it gives Thao feeling cool cool very comfortable and skin Thao also soften than before.

Sisters can do at home with acne treatment and effective blemishes from Aloe Vera

You can do it at home with acne treatment and effective blemishes from Aloe Vera

Eat more fruits (more than usual). Thao likes to eat cucumber so buy or buy food every day. In addition, Thao also bought pumpkin for boiling and using water to purify the body, cool.

Sleep early: With women who often stay up late, when they have acne try to arrange to work to sleep earlier because of the very easy to get pimples, skin becomes pale, dry and the body always looks good. Tired and older than age.

When acne, Thao completely do not use cosmetics in the evening. And when doing the acne treatment and bruising effect on the Thao want the skin to be airy at bedtime.

You should drink water from 2.5 to 3 liters per day to help the body toxins, making the skin always rosy and smooth. This step is very important to you.

3. Feel the results after 2-3 weeks


After persevering for 2-3 weeks, the acne is gone, the bruises on the face is dimmer than before and no scar left.

Thao often used acne cream acupuncture cream but money does not seem to have the expected results, sometimes leave even more bruises. As for the way done by Thao has presented to her after the skin acne out beautiful than before but very natural and safe.

When applying the method of Thao, you need patience because acne and bruise can not be exhausted in a day or two.

4. Some things to note

    The acne treatment and bruising effects shown above are all experiences Thao has applied and bring good results, they can refer and follow their own way.

With the steps in section 2, you should only do when acne, then gradually reduce and stop.

For women who have severe acne, have many methods but no results, it is best to visit the dermatologist for the best advice.

For women with sensitive skin, aloe vera can cause irritation. So you should not use aloe vera for treatment.


If you have acne for a long time, acne is difficult to treat. Moreover, the above method must apply for a long time to work and acne can recur. So, to accelerate acne faster and still ensure the safety of your skin, you should choose a more effective acne cream for you!