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Treating acne bran with baking soda is as effective as rumors?

Can acne be treated with baking soda? The following article will give you the unexpected truth!


Mụn cám thường xảy ra do rất nhiều nguyên nhân. Cách trị mụn cám bằng soda vừa an toàn lại mang lại hiệu quả cao.

Acne often occurs due to many causes. The way to treat acne with soda is safe and effective.

Acne is one of the most common types of acne, although easy to treat but often can not finish. Recently, many people have talked about the effect of baking soda on acne. So how to treat acne at home is really effective as rumors? Please join meotrimun.vn to find out!

Baking soda will remove excess oil leading to acne, baking soda has a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, reducing the spread of acne. When mixed with water, baking soda will form a paste that helps to cleanse, exfoliate the skin, remove excess oil, dirt. In addition to blackheads with baking soda is a beauty tip is pretty much applied sister.

Baking soda can treat acne as many people say?

Acne is a pimple formed by the accumulation of sebum and dead skin cells in clogged pores. This type of acne does not cause pimples but it causes dry, rough skin.
Treat acne with baking soda


The treatment of acne bran with backing soda has been a lot of sisters apply and succeed

How is baking soda used to treat acne?

Now with the development of beauty technology, the treatment of acne bran is not difficult. But because there are so many types of skin that are very sensitive, the use of natural-derived methods is highly valued. This method is safe and can be effective. In which baking soda is a commonly used material, is widely believed. Baking soda can be used to treat acne because:


This is a compound with high antibacterial, ability to remove acne. So, baking soda keeps the skin from getting infected, helping the pores to stay healthy.
Baking soda can remove dead cells, remove oily, clear pores, help remove and prevent acne effectively.

How to treat acne with effective baking soda

There are many ways to treat acne with baking soda. But here, meotrimun.vn will introduce you two ways to treat acne bran with the simplest baking soda.

Option 1: Combine baking soda with water

Formula for skin beauty and acne with baking soda for smooth skin

Take the baking soda into the bowl and add a little water and mix to a thick mixture.
Use this mixture to apply to the area of ​​acne.
Relax for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Do this 2 to 3 times a week to see the effect.

Method 2: Mix baking soda with lemon and honey

Lemon is also a good source of vitamins and acids, which is able to kill bacteria, treat acne and whiten skin effectively. The pair of baking soda and lemon will be a pair of coincidences, to fly hard acne spots on your skin, help skin whiten bright white, smooth. Combined with honey to help moisturize and not irritate the skin.


Baking soda acne treatment cheap, effective


Mix baking soda with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey into a paste mixture.
Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes and rinse it off with clean water.
Doing regular work twice a week will give you a clear acne treatment effect.

Things to know when taking acne bran with baking soda

Baking soda has the ability to absorb strong moisture so it is not suitable for those with dry skin.
Be careful with overly sensitive skin. The best way to try it on your skin is to try it firsthand. If not used for new skin irritation.

So you can safely treat acne with baking soda then!e
Motrimun.vn believes that only by persistently doing the above, and careful skin care, your skin will look like baby skin always. Good luck!

Acne treatment tips that with effective acne treatment at home will help you clear up and repel acne. If you have acne for a long time and acne difficult to treat. So that the acne treatment process faster and still secure, you should choose the acne cream that is suitable for you or the essence of acne such as benzoyl peroxide, retinol, sulfur, tea tree oil, BHA, LHA . Acne is the "savior" of your skin, helps reduce inflammation caused by acne, treat acne root and prevent acne return to the most effective.