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6 Natural DIY Methods To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Blackheads are small bumps that appear on skin due to clogged hair follicles. It is a type of acne. It is a very common skin condition which may affect anyone irrespective of ages.


Mụn cám thường xảy ra do rất nhiều nguyên nhân. Cách trị mụn cám bằng soda vừa an toàn lại mang lại hiệu quả cao.

Blackheads form as a result of excess sebum produced at the base of hair follicles. Due to hormonal changes especially at puberty and at the time of menopause in the case of female and at adolescent period in the case of male person blackheads appear. Sebum contains melanin. It is a pigment which oxidizes and turns black when it comes in contact of air.

Blackheads are ugly to see and it should be attended at the very primary stage otherwise it will remain permanent. Black heads mainly appear on both sides of your nose and on your chin. The most common action to get rid of black heads are scrubbing it out.

Here Are Various Home Remedies Which Take Effective Care To Solve Blackhead Problem:

1. Lemon And Rice Grain:

Take some rice grain and grind it coarsely. Squeeze one lemon on it. Mix well and massage that on your blackheads. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cool water. While massaging coarse rice powder it helps to scrub out excess oil and make your pores unclogged. Lemon juice, being acidic restrict the oil secretion of sebum gland. Practice this method every alternate day and soon do away with black heads.


Phương pháp trị mụn trứng cá bằng bột yến mạch và chanh chỉ trong một tuần

2. Cinnamon And Honey:

Cinnamon and honey is a good combination for black heads. Coarsely grind cinnamon and pour a few drops of honey in it.Mix well and rub it on your blackheads. It helps a lot to scrub out accumulated oil from the skin pores. Antioxidant property of honey repairs the damage done on the skin. Antiseptic property of honey saves your skin from any infection. This cinnamon and honey is a good combination to solve blackhead problem.


Công thức trị mụn bằng mật ong và bột quế vừa an toàn lại hiệu quả

3. Egg White, Corn Flour And Beer:

Egg white, corn flour and beer is a good combination for blackheads. Break one egg and take the white portion only. Beat it well. Add 1 tablespoon corn flour and a few drops of beer in it. Mix well. Massage this pack on your blackheads affected skin. Leave it to get dry and then rinse it well with plain water. In the time of rinsing rub your skin gently again, this rubbing will help you to clean the pores of the skin. Beer control oil secretion of oil glands and being an excellent astringent helps to shrink the pores of the skin. Corn flour is a mild scrubber. You can use this pack daily to do away with black heads.


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4. Sugar:


Normal sugar is an excellent thing to remove blackheads from your skin. Take some sugar with large granules and rub it on both sides of your nose. In this process sugar helps to exfoliate the skin and remove black elements from skin pores. You can use sugar in different methods too. take 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar granules and add it on a container. Place the container on a moderate flame. It will help to melt down the sugar to a sticky substance. Apply this sticky solution on your blackheads with the help of a spoon or a brush. But, before applying it on your skin do not forget to check the temperature. Very hot solution may burn your skin. After applying the solution immediately cover it with the help of a strip of clean cloth. Leave it to get cool. The cloth will get stuck on the skin. Then just pull the strip. Along with it will remove blackheads, dirt and grease. This process is really helpful and you will need to practice it at least once a week.

5. Coriander And Cumin Powder:

Take coriander powder and cumin powder each 1 teaspoon. Add them in a container and pour a little amount of water over those powders. Soak them to get soft. Massage that paste on your black heads in a circular motion. Both powders contain antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Regular application of these powders help a lot to get rid of blackheads quickly.


Công thức trị mụn với nghệ tươi

6. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is an excellent skin exfoliator. Take 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon water. Mix well to a smooth paste. Massage this paste on your blackheads. It is a simple and regular home remedy which keeps blackheads at bay.


Trị mụn cám bằng baking soda có hiệu quả như lời đồn?

Follow these methods at regular basis. Along with maintain hygiene. Stay away from junk foods and fizzy drinks because these foods actually aggravate the situation. Drink adequate water daily to maintain the pH balance of the skin and to keep your skin hydrated. All these measures will help you to get rid of blackheads. If needed, consult a specialist.